Thursday, January 14, 2010


When time seems to get the best of us it is usually when we are not prepared. How could we have waited so long without doing that, why have I gone so long without reaching out to someone, how could I help so that it never happens again?

People do not yet truly understand the power of prevention and I think that is a shame.
Instead of scrambling the last minute to get stuff done do it when you can and never leave things up to chance.

I know I said I was going to write every night but going back to work has really tired me out. Unlike most jobs I am not only physically and intellectually vested in it I am above all else emotional attached! I love each child for who they are and believe it or not that does take real strength and courage.

Someone once said that your love is the most powerful and exhausting thing you could give and right now I have 12 new subscribers to mine, well 13 including a certain someone, but you get the idea:)

Life is amazing because of love. Think if we did not have our emotions then life would be almost pointless. To laugh, cry, love, get pissed off....all of these are the moments that are highlighted in your memories and that is why every second must be treated like the last on earth, because for some it really is.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


People in NJ need to get of the damn phone and drive!!!!
Please don't kill me!
Why did this stupid person have to cut me off on 78?!?!
I do not want to die ....please
buckle up and put down the phone....itz called a bluetooth!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


It is a strong word! For most it is taken too lightly, but for some who appreciate it's meaning it could be pure bliss. The time of year when it gets warm enough to open you sunroof or drive with all of the windows down. That point on the parkway where you can taste the salt water. Your first kiss. Hearing that you are loved feels better than any of those experiences and then it makes you so venerable all at once.

Knowing that someone loves you is an amazing feeling, so wonderful in fact that you could start feeling that if this love was somehow lost that would be more hurt than you could imagine. People who don't like risk don't admit love too often either.

Not many things in life are quiet like knowing that you love someone and they love you back and accepting that is how you feel in spite of any fears is one of the most liberating experiences.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Okay I'm writing something,
I wrote something,
Body Pump class kicked mas ASSS...
Im done going 2 bed.
Will write more tomorrow...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Most of the time it's too late...

Why is it that most people don't seem to "sweat the small stuff", then it becomes huge and we can hardly handle it on our own.

I have decided 2 take my life into my own hands. I am working harder than ever to get more fit and healthy. I need to do this myself before I end up like some people I know needing to get surgery to save their lives. My health is actually okay, for now...but I am not going to let that encourage me to eat McDonald's until it goes down hill.

All doctors say it and I live by it: Prevention is Key!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to basics...

Have you ever realized how some things are just not like ridding a bike....Kinda like that feeling you have when you return to school after the summer or a long break or how after you learn a language and don't use it for a while.

Well I am hoping that eventually it clicks like I was in a coma and just woke up all of a sudden.

Why is it that some poeple fear the truth while others accept it?

Why am I so afraid of the truth even when it is good. I feel like a character in the book I am reading. Like if something gets too intimate for me I want to run screaming.

"People sometimes put up walls to see who will knock them down"

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Memories that sometimes hurt

Well....I was sitting in church this morning, yes me in church, when all of a sudden I had all these memories rushing through my head about when I used to attend mass with my mother and singing the Our Father with her. Well it took me all of my strength not to bolt right out of that beautiful church this morning and I am proud.

Sometimes people need to force themselves through tough situations so that they can make themselves better. I feel that this was a big accomplishment for me and I am proud. I know it seems funny but, it was big to me, and that's what matters.

Well not writing much tonight, first day back to work tomorrow and I am both excited and nervous. Good night all.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Why to people fight?

Okay so today I went to watch my cousin wrestle, he is very good. Needless to say he took home 3rd place and he is only a sophomore in high school.

Even though I did have fun watching a member of my family achieve at something I couldn't help but to think why. Why do we as humans have this instinct to fight? Why do get find recreational fun out of watching someone get beat up? I mean we have come so far to become cultured and civilized so why do we still posses the instinct to attack? We no longer need to have survival of the fittest like in the days of the cavemen.

Well...gotta confess I get a kick out of it all too. But it is already programed into my brain, can't help it. As my good friend recently reminded me of Jessica Rabbit's famous words...
"I'm not bad...I'm just drawn that way"

Friday, January 1, 2010

Julie & Julia

Yay! I'm now officially a blogger, I wonder what adventures I will talk about, what people I could inspire, and most importantly how this blog will come to effect my future.

Okay so I finally got the urge to blog after watching Julie & Julia with my grandmother tonight. I thought it was an amazing movie and not only because Meryl Streep and Amy Adams were in it. I like the idea of sharing your ideas, your experiences with the cosmic void and getting input on it. What more are we as human but here to share with people; share the laughter, the love, and the endless knowledge of our world!

See this is also a test for me or a practice of sorts. I have always had the philosophy that greatness comes from experience and therefore to be a great writer you must step outside of your comfort zone and pursue different styles of writing to enhance your studied work. I am one day going to be a great writer and this is a stepping stone to that path. I am working on a children's book series now but some day I wish to write like the great men and women that I idolize.

Virgina Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Thomas Hardy, Carol Ann Duffy, James Joyce, and so many more. These people changed the incomprehensible art of literature to an even deeper level of the art of stream of consciousness. Amazing the "Inaccuracy of thought"(Virgina Woolf, Mark on the Wall) the weight of those words is more than one could almost comprehend. Life is amazing and unexpected and now our civilization has the power to record it's happenings in more ways than ever before, but still the written word is untouched.

Because thought is so inaccurate! An author could describe anything in the world and the reader has millions of option on how to develop the words into substance in their mind.

So here I go, throwing my thoughts out into the void in hopes that it feeds into the greater good for all. Until tomorrow night and every night there after....